Oxford BDS Coalition


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The Oxford Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Coalition is an activist-research collective that is comprised of staff and students at the University of Oxford who are committed to Palestinian liberation. Our primary purpose is to investigate the Collegiate University’s ties to the Arms Trade and Israeli crimes against the Palestinian People, and campaign to sever these ties.

Archive of Changes.

We stand in full solidarity with the student-led Oxford Action for Palestine (OA4P) Solidarity Encampment. Please see our collective demands below:

  1. Disclose University-wide Assets
  2. Divest University-wide Assets
  3. Overhaul Investment Policy
  4. Boycott Institutional Relationships
  5. Drop Barclays
  6. Rebuild and Reinvest

The Primer on our demands to the University of Oxford should be visible in an embedded pdf below. If this does not work, please find the file here: https://oxfordbds.github.io/data/primer.pdf